
Extreme Environments
Never at any other stage in human history has technological development allowed for more detailed knowledge of extreme environments such as the ocean floor or the depths of the solar system. On the other hand, climate change, which is particularly felt in Polar Regions, has had some harmful effects such as the loss of sea ice or the melting of permafrost.
This Minor’s strategy falls under the new challenges that are placed to the scientific and academic community, i.e. to prepare professionals in all areas of science and engineering regarding the observation, monitoring, collection and development of technological platforms of exploration of extreme environments from the ocean floor to the solar system.
Scientific Areas
- Sustainable Engineering of Georesources (DER)
- Systems, Decision and Control (DEEC)
- Synthesis, Molecular Structure and Chemical Analysis (DEQ)
Target audiences
All programmes.
Vacancies: 30
Circular Economy
In the current production system, the amount of waste generated and underutilized is high, which results in a non sustainable waste of resources, including waster, of nutrients/fertilizers, energy and materials. It is urgent to shift the current production paradigm from “linear” to what is already known as “circular economy”, adding value to services and contributing to more sustainable business models, employment and development.
Thus, the Minor in Circular Economy proposes a non conventional structure in which course units will mostly be replaced by small projects, which are equal to 6 ECTS, in the framework of research units at Técnico.
Scientific Areas
- Hydraulics, Environment and Human Resources (DECivil)
- Sustainable Engineering of Georesources (DER)
- Environment and Energy (DEM)
- Chemical Engineering Sciences (DEQ)
- Process and Project Engineering (DEQ)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes.
Vacancies: 10
Spatial Data Sciences
Spatial Data Science is a relatively recent methodological body, which derives from the increasingly cross-cutting nature of Data Science methods (Big Data, Data Mining, Deep Learning) and its specificities of application to the so-called Spatial Data. Spatial Data is defined as data which has structured spatial patterns that must be taken into account in applications of Data Science methodologies: remote detection data of natural resources – forests, soils, mineral resources, climate, georeferenced urban data; marine geophysical data, subsoil; data banks for social sciences, economics and public health.
This Minor aims to provide students with the opportunity to obtain additional knowledge of Data Science applications to large sets of spatially structured data (Spatial Data) in the areas of natural resources, environmental health, urbanism, climate, economics, environment and oceanography.
Scientific Areas
- Earth Sciences and Modeling Hydraulics, Environment and Human Resources (DECivil)
- Modeling Earth and Sciences (DER)
- Environment and Energy (DEM)
- Chemical Engineering Sciences (DEQ)
- Process and Project Engineering (DEQ)
- Systems, Decision and Control (DEEC)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Data Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Mining and Geological Engineering;
- MSc in Energy Resources Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
Technologies for Cultural Heritage
The purpose is to allow students to learn more about emerging topics with cross-cutting impact onPortuguese culture and contemporary society. The Minor in Technologies for Cultural Heritage offers innovative, topical and stimulating perspectives about the issues relating to the characterization and timeline of organic and inorganic objects, with a view to valorizing and preserving them. In this context, it is a space for reflection and discussion of ideas by involving faculty, researchers, external experts and students from different scientific areas taught at Técnico.
Scientific Areas
- Architecture (DECivil)
- Modeling Earth and Sciences (DER)
- Chemical and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (DECN)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes.
Vacancies: 30