Management Bodies

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the CSE department, assisting its President in the exercise of his functions and competencies, namely in the areas of financial management and all the human and material resources allocated to the department.
Head of Department
Prof. Rogério Colaço
Deputy Head for Financial and Administrative Matters
Prof. Maria Amélia Alves Rangel Dionísio
Deputy Head for Academic Matters
Prof. Ana Paula Falcão Flôr
Deputy Head for Facilities/ Equipment and Communication
Prof. Gustavo André Paneiro
Scientific and Pedagogical Council
The Scientific-Pedagogical Council is responsible for the scientific and pedagogical management of programs leading to academic degrees where the CSE department is involved, namely in the definition of the coordinators, the scientific commissions, and thesis defense committees. Members of the scientific-pedagogical council are the members of the Executive Committee, as well as:
Prof. José Manuel Marques (Coordinator of the SA Earth Sciences and Modelling; Coordinator of the PhD. Program in Earth Resources)
Prof. Leonardo Azevedo (Coordinator of the SA Sustainable Earth Resources Engineering; Coordinator of the PhD. Program in Petroleum Engineering)
Prof. Edite Martinho (Coordinator of the BSc. Program in Mining and Energy Resources Engineering)
Prof. Ana Paula Falcão Neves (Coordinator of the MSc. Program in Energy Resources Engineering)
Prof. Maria Matilde Costa e Silva (Coordinator of the MSc. Program in Geological and Mining Engineering)
Prof. Maria Teresa Melo (Coordinator of the GroundwatchCH MSc. Program)
Prof. Moisés Pinto (CERENA)
Prof. Alexandre Gonçalves (CERiS)
Prof. Ana Carvalho
Prof. Pedro Amaral
Department Council
The Department Council meets only to make high-level decisions, such as approving new management teams and changes to the department's regulations or organization.
Permanent members are:
- Professors and permanent researchers;
- Remaining academic staff and full-time researchers with an employment contract lasting no less than one year, who holds a doctoral degree.
Non-permanent members are:
- Representative elected by non-academic and non-research staff:
Gabriela Rei
- Student delegates from each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycle programs in which DEI has significant participation.
Mobility Coordination
Profª Maria Orquídia Neves
LTI de Minas Coordination
Prof. Leonardo Azevedo
GeoLab Coordination
Profª Maria Matilde Costa e Silva