
Professors of DER distinguished with the Francisco George Public Health Award 2022
The prize was delivered to professors and CERENA researchers Manuel Ribeiro and Leonardo Azevedo.

2 PhD. students of DER awarded at DCE 2023
During the Doctoral Congress in Engineering 2023, held on the 15th and 16th of June 2023 at FEUP, Ana Filipa Durarte and Inês Amaral de Carvalho were awarded the prize for best oral communication and best poster, respectively.

José Folque Award in English Language 2023
The award was received by the MEGM Alumni Tiago Rodrigues, on May 14, 2023.

AP3E Award of Explosives Engineering 2019 to 2 MEGM Thesis
The MEGM Alumnus, Francisco Marques e George Emiliano, won, in ex-aequo, the AP3E Prize of Explosives Engineering in 2019 with their master thesis.