Lecture: "Geothermal Resources - Use of ground source heat pumps (GSHP)" by Diogo Gonçalves (EDP Comercial)

On March 20, 2024, Engineer Diogo Gonçalves, from EDP Comercial, returned to the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) to give a lecture on "Geothermal Resources - Use of Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP)" for students in the Master's program in Geological and Mining Engineering (MEGM) and the Master's program in Energy Resources Engineering (MERE).
Diogo Gonçalves, who holds a Master's degree in Energy Engineering and Management from IST, has been involved in the energy sector, cooperating with different entities to comply with current regulations and legislation. He currently works at EDP Comercial, in the area of Regulation, Competition and Markets, where he is responsible for monitoring the evolution of energy market regulation.
During his lecture, Diogo Gonçalves highlighted that the widespread adoption of geothermal heat pumps, a resilient and mature technology, could decarbonize the construction sector with minimal increases in electricity demand. These pumps can be installed at multiple scales, decarbonizing individual buildings or networks of buildings, and playing an important role in the energy transition.