Participation of DER in the Clube da Ciência Viva – Escola Básica e Secundária de Vialonga

On February 10th, as part of the Clube da Ciência Viva at Escola Básica e Secundária (EBS), Professor Amélia Dionísio, from Instituto Superior Técnico's Department of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering, led the activity "The Everyday Minerals We Don't See", offering students a new perspective on the presence and importance of minerals in daily life.

The session was attended by 9th-grade classes B, C, and D, accompanied by teachers Anabela Duarte, Emília Silva, Isabel Mendes, and Maria do Céu Martins. With enthusiasm and dedication, the students actively engaged in the activity, reinforcing their knowledge in the subjects of Natural Sciences and Physics-Chemistry.

In addition to hands-on learning, participants also had the opportunity to hear fascinating insights shared by Professor Amélia Dionísio, deepening their understanding of a topic that, though invisible at first glance, plays a crucial role in everyday life.